Monogrammed Napkins. ‘Party Like Royalty’ Banner. Balloons. Teacup. Saucer.
A few years ago, one of our family friends met Meghan Markle on vacation and told me to take a peek at her website, The Tig. I admired Meghan for the way she empowered and uplifted women in her posts and the way she spoke about fashion and lifestyle in an easy, relatable way. Fast forward and she’s fallen in love with Prince Harry; set to become the first American to marry into the royal family since Wallis Simpson in 1937.
Since we Americans are without a royal family, it seems especially fun to witness and celebrate a wedding like this one. I bought a few things to celebrate with my girlfriends, including this life-size cardboard cut-out that has startled my dogs and myself more than a few times when walking into the room where its stored. If you’re looking for party supplies, check out Joessa and Two Funny Girls TX – I found the cutest pieces in their shops!
Only a week left! Will you be watching?

I love it! what a fun event it will be to watch!
It was such a beautiful, sentimental wedding! Loved seeing Harry so happy.
xo Brittany