Lilly Bridal Shower

December 17, 2014

Categories: Wedding


J’s mother and sisters were so sweet to give me a bridal shower while we were in Chicago.  I’m lucky to be joining a family with such incredible women… I adore them.  And… It was the perfect opportunity to meet family and friends invited to our wedding I had yet to meet.

We braved the cold and headed to an timeless little church converted into a cozy restaurant, where the snow faded away as Palm Beach and Lilly took over an upstairs room!!  Bright flowers, girls in colorful dresses, starfish cupcakes and ornaments as favors.  It was perfection.

Pearls.  Classic Bag (affordable version here).  Louboutin Pumps (affordable version here).  Pink Lace Dress.  Don’t forget to add sheer black pantyhose to make it a bit more wintery.

On each table the girls had placed snapshots of John and myself, as well as fun facts to help the guests get to know us better as a couple.  I had so much fun chatting with J’s friends and family… It made me even more excited to celebrate with them at our wedding!!

The girls asked guests to ship my gifts to me since J and I flew.  Guests brought photos of their gift to the shower and pinned it on a cork board to share.  It’s been fun to get packages each day that I get to unwrap and share with J when he gets home.  I’ve been taking photos of each gift to put with the cards and keep in a little memory book.  This time as a bride goes by so fast… Someday I’ll love looking back and remembering these moments.

Enjoy some of these snapshots from the shower… I left out friends and family to protect their privacy.  Except for Mama P… Because she’s used to it.

  1. Stephanie says:

    How pretty! Those cupcakes are the cutest thing ever. Were the stars on top edible too? And I love that you and your mom both wore pearls!