Jeans. Similar Boots. Jacket, Sweater, and Bag: Chanel.
Thinking of Taylor Swift’s song… “Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet?” Woods being cold, snowy weather here in Denver. This past weekend was a dream with sunny, warm weather… And today it’s chilly with snowflakes flying. I’m so ready for spring!
This gorgeous Chanel jacket and sweater are from the Paris-Salzburg collection and are available through Chanel boutiques and by calling or visiting your local Neiman Marcus. I’ve linked two similar white jackets down below that are on sale.
Something else I’ve been wearing lately is my Marc Jacobs Decadence perfume. Between it’s sexy-woody fragrance and the floral fragrance of the Rosaviola candle I’ve been burning lately, our house kind of smells incredible. Have you found any fragrances you’re in love with lately? I’ve been wanting to try the Byredo fragrances, but I can’t seem to choose one.