Ice Packs. Silicone Water Bottle Labels. Water Bottle. Sandwich + Fruit Cutters. Lunchbox Notes. Heart Lunchbox Notes. “From the Mom of” Stationery. Microwaveable Bento Boxes. Princess Lunchbox. Jo & Co. Embroidery Lunchbox + Backpack. Wicker Table and Chairs.
It’s officially back-to-school time and my mama heartstrings are tugged extra tight this year as my oldest will be heading off to a preschool program a few half-days a week. It’s not much time at all and I’m sure I’ll feel as if I’m spending it all in the car going to drop her off and pick her up, but I truly love having my little ones at home with me so I know the first few days will be a struggle for me. I know the socialization and extra learning will be so great for her… And the extra one-on-one time at will be wonderful for her little brother at home.
She will have lunch at school each day before she comes home. To make her first day a little sweeter for both of us, I found some school supplies to make her lunches extra special. Keep in mind almost every item has a “boy” version as well, I just put the ones we have in the collage so the images would match the photos.
Georgie loves drinking from these princess water bottles (her brother has the Winnie the Pooh version) and I even found silicone name labels to go around them (doing whatever I can to combat those shared germs). I added in unicorn ice packs, lunchbox notes in gingham and heart designs, and sandwich and fruit cutters to make her lunch extra cute! I also ordered this darling “From the Mom of…” stationery in case I need to send a note for the teacher. The microwaveable bento boxes and princess lunchbox fit into this cute monogrammed lunchbox and backpack from Jo and Co. Embroidery, who just opened their site up for our back-to-school orders!
Happy Shopping and Happy Back To School season!